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Mastering the Art of Writing a Compelling Manuscript: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing, Freelancing, mastering, manuscript,
 Published on: Apr 18, 2024

Writing is expressing your thoughts, ideas, experiences, and information. It takes your energy to increase the potential of delivering the right message. Writing the true spirit with the right ingredients to increase the taste of the recipe is the job of a skilled writer. In this blog, we will discuss some points that will help you to become a competent writer and deliver a clear and considerable message.


Writing the true spirit with the right ingredients to increase the recipe's taste is a skilled writer's job.

To draft a complete message, the 3(3)-writing process will help you. Pre-writing is the first step, writing is the second step. The third step is revising the complete manuscript/writing. To make communication effective and easier, these steps must be followed in preparation for all types of written communication. Each step is further divided into three subdivisions:


1.  Pre-writing

a)  Analyze: The analysis of the news you will disclose is very important for a quality message. 
        i.  Is it worth writing? 
        ii.  What is the purpose and ultimate impact of the news/message/document? 
        iii.  How will the message be delivered? 
b)  Anticipate: Anticipation considers how the audience will react after reading the message. Before writing something, you must understand who the target audience is. How and what they will perceive your message? The tone of your message is set according to the audience and receiver of your message. For example, if you are sending an email to the officials of your company, then you will surely write that in a very formal way by following all the protocols. If you are writing for a comedy show then it will be written in a light mode and tone, that can engage with the audience. The importance of Audience can be signified by Randy Bomer – “As a part of this sense of purpose, a writer needs to have others in mind – an audience to whom she/he is speaking”. 
c)  Adapt: Adapting is adjusting according to the environment by making the modifications that can help to fit into the place. Both the stages combine at this stage – the analysis and the anticipation to make the adaptation for the writing easy. “The wise adapt themselves to the circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher” is a famous proverb; here it means that adjust your writing according to the audience. The one important thing to keep in mind while adapting the message according to the specific audience is to imagine the possible reaction of the receiver. Putting yourself in the reader’s shoes can help you understand their interests and needs, which in response helps you cultivate an empathetic relationship with the reader and hit on the point.

Sum-up of Pre-writing:  Pre-writing is thinking about what to write, and after the completion of this process, it finally enters the writing phase.


2.  Writing

a)  Research: Finding and picking up the relevant data, information, facts, and related material to craft appropriate writing is research and it gives your manuscript an authentication. Research as much as you can, bear in mind that this is your best friend that can refine your piece of writing. You can do research through books, search engines, interviews, surveys and so on.

b)  Organize: This step is about organizing the data collected earlier by research. The well-constructed, well-organized informational message attracts the audience and works like the right dose for fever.  Using diagrams and outlines can help in this regard and increase the focus of the message. You can use the rule of thumb “combine the information in three to five categories— divide the main topic into 3 to 5 subtopics” to increase the potential of grasping the main idea of the context.

c)  Compose: The first copy of the written manuscript is written quickly and is not perfect and ready to deliver information; and needs refining for its presentation.  The proper writing presentation is done at this stage – the composition. The first draft works to keep thoughts on paper for the improvement of the future manuscript.


3.  Revising

a)  Revision: It is the step where writers can edit their writing to enhance its clarity, conciseness, readability, and conversational potential. Find creative ways to enhance the worth of your writing, by highlighting the important message and doing its proper detailing. Here, reading and re-reading the draft can help to get rid of the unwanted redundancies and wordiness along with finding the room for the addition of the supporting visuals and bold fonts or bullet points that would be appropriate and helpful.

b)  Proofreading: This step of writing needs to be handled with care and utmost attention. Check for any possible spelling, grammar, and other common language mistakes because a single error of this sort leads to a quick loss of professionalism and credibility.

c)  Evaluation: Now this is the final check for your writing to see that it meets all the needs of the audience, and the purpose of the writing is fulfilled.

The senior writers suggest you go through the revision of the manuscript a few times before sending it so that it becomes purposeful and accurate.


To make your writing accurate and impactful, you need to give proper time to the thinking process. Research well and organize the data in the right order. Revise and proofread the whole text to check for any mistakes and unnecessary repetitions. Finally, evaluate it to verify that all the information you have provided is valid and accurate. By putting your serious efforts into the writing process, you may overcome all the weaknesses to become a good writer. 


Author: Haleema Sadia | Reviewed By: Hifsah Umbreen


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